Our Youth Ministry exists to raise up the next generation of youth who are passionate about spreading the gospel and are on fire for Jesus! 
6th-12th graders, join us every Wednesday from 6:30PM-8PM for games, food, the Word, small group discussion and worship! 6th-8th graders have the opportunity to join us again on the last Sunday of every month for their very own Sunday Service following worship in the sanctuary!


This month we'll be going through a series titled, "ASKING FOR A FRIEND".

In the age of unlimited information, students are more curious than ever. Amidst the endless streams of answers, students still wrestle with hard questions about their lives and faith. In this four week series, we tackle four questions that your students are wondering and asking for answers.

Month Overview:
WEEK ONE - How do I share my faith?
WEEK TWO - How do I forgive?
WEEK THREE - How do I deal with stress?
WEEK FOUR - Why do bad things happen?


We are making changes to JR High Ministry! Beginning the month of May, we will only have JR High Sunday Service the last Sunday of every month! Our hope is that by doing this, we can create a culture where students LOVE to be in the house of God in main service! Please encourage your JR High/High School students to sit with their leaders on Sundays so they can discuss the message together! If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Micaela at
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