Our Heart....
The Isaiah Project is a SOUTHCOAST church home-grown ministry. Since 2018, we've been assisting teens in our community living with challenging home situations which may include poverty, housing insecurity, neglect, abuse, addiction, incarcerated parents and emotional or physical disabilities. We are able to provide healthy snacks, personal hygiene items, and with the creation of the Isaiah Project Closet we are now helping to provide basic clothing items. As teachers and specialists refer students to us, we are honored to bless, encourage, and show God's love to the students and their families!
"Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the
darkness, and the darkness around you will be bright as noon."
Isaiah 58:10
The Isaiah Project is a SOUTHCOAST church home-grown ministry. Since 2018, we've been assisting teens in our community living with challenging home situations which may include poverty, housing insecurity, neglect, abuse, addiction, incarcerated parents and emotional or physical disabilities. We are able to provide healthy snacks, personal hygiene items, and with the creation of the Isaiah Project Closet we are now helping to provide basic clothing items. As teachers and specialists refer students to us, we are honored to bless, encourage, and show God's love to the students and their families!
"Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the
darkness, and the darkness around you will be bright as noon."
Isaiah 58:10
Give to the Isaiah Project Here!
We also greatly appreciate any kinds of helpful donations outside of money, such as:
- Clothing Items
- Backpacks and School Supplies
- Shoes
- Bikes and Helmets
- Hygiene Items
Please contact us via email to let us know about donations you would like to give.
or click the link below:
- Clothing Items
- Backpacks and School Supplies
- Shoes
- Bikes and Helmets
- Hygiene Items
Please contact us via email to let us know about donations you would like to give.
or click the link below:
Here is just a glimpse of testimonies for our Community

Thank you for the munificence of your gifts!"
Deborah Reid Special Education Teacher SBHS
"I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to play my sport because I needed new equipment. Thank you for helping me to get my gear."
-SP, Student
"I like getting myself lunch from somewhere other than the cafeteria because I don't really like their food sometimes."
-NM, Student
Deborah Reid Special Education Teacher SBHS
"I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to play my sport because I needed new equipment. Thank you for helping me to get my gear."
-SP, Student
"I like getting myself lunch from somewhere other than the cafeteria because I don't really like their food sometimes."
-NM, Student
"I'm graduating this year so getting new clothes is good because I'm not gonna have any help with stuff like this once I leave school."
-EG, Student
"The shampoo and stuff really helped because those things are really expensive."
-KL, Student
"Thank you for helping me make Christmas good for my kids this year."
-ID, Parent
-EG, Student
"The shampoo and stuff really helped because those things are really expensive."
-KL, Student
"Thank you for helping me make Christmas good for my kids this year."
-ID, Parent
"For those of us who live here in the Santa Barbara, Carpinteria, Goleta area, to say that we are blessed is an understatement. We are surrounded by the natural beauty that rises from our south-facing beaches and stretches to the national forests within our mountains. We are awakened by pink sky sunrises and sent to rest by warm marmalade sunsets. Blessed we are, true! During these last few difficult years of quarantine, we have been embraced, calmed, and nurtured by our surroundings. And yet, there has been another beauty, a quieter yet equally powerful force, that has wrapped its warmth around us, cared for us, and conveyed a sense of well-being throughout these rocky times. This is the beauty of Community that has sprung forth from the hearts of our neighbors. In this time that has seen many families struggling to find work, to cloth their children, to put food on the table, or to provide basic school supplies, Community has shown its beauty through the unsolicited, open-hearted generosity of your program. Community has shown its caring through anonymous donations which alleviated worries about basic needs, worries that steal sleep from parents in the wee hours of the morning. Community has quietly, modestly, and humbly conveyed the message to our students that someone is here, caring in the hour of need. As our students grow into adults and find their place in the world, they will reflect back on your acts of kindness and pay those gifts forward causing the ripple of your actions to resonate in distant hearts for years to come."