"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh"
Genesis 2:24.
Genesis 2:24.
Are You Engaged?
At SOUTHCOAST we want couples to start their marriage with a solid foundation. We offer a one-on-one pre-marital coaching program to give you a great start. You will learn more about each other and be equipped with tools which will help you thrive in your marriage.
Are You Going Through a Rough Patch?
It’s no secret that marriage is not all sunshine and Krispy Kremes. There are days (or seasons) when life with your spouse is a real challenge. Sometimes it’s downright ugly. How do you stay the course? First, recognize that you’re not alone. All married couples struggle at some point. For many the problems are serious enough that the marriage is in jeopardy. Second, understand that even serious problems don’t have to end in divorce. There is hope. SOUTHCOAST has an extensive one-on-one coaching program to help couples transform a marriage in crisis to one that’s healthy and thriving.
Meet Our Team

John & Debbie Preston
We care about your marriage. Why? Early on we destroyed our marriage. We separated and were a signature away from divorce. It was a long, painful, ugly season. Miraculously, God had a better outcome in mind. He restored our marriage, and last year we celebrated our 37th anniversary.
We know what it’s like to feel alone in your pain. We know what it’s like to have a counselor say they’ve never seen a couple as broken as we were ever get back together. Our story is proof that “With God all things are possible.” (Matt. 19:26). For us, walking alongside hurting couples is a front-row seat to watch God work.
We know what it’s like to feel alone in your pain. We know what it’s like to have a counselor say they’ve never seen a couple as broken as we were ever get back together. Our story is proof that “With God all things are possible.” (Matt. 19:26). For us, walking alongside hurting couples is a front-row seat to watch God work.
Leah & John Paul Sodusta
We met back in high school and have been though MANY ups and downs. We are happy to share our struggles and tools for getting out of the muck if it will help get another couple off the road to disaster. We have a heart for those who are hurting, specifically marriages and families. Open communication and growing together toward a shared purpose and vision makes our Team Sodusta strong and we thank the Lord for that, for our own sake as a couple and the sake of our children. Instead of draining the life out of each other, we are able to love and serve Jesus as we disciple those around us toward Christ since He is the ultimate solution to all human problems.
Divorced…what?! Throughout the years, we would be surprised when couples we knew got divorced. It made us wonder, how many couples are hurting and in trouble that have just acted like all is fine when we are around them? We had fallen into the same trap of pretending we have no problems. We thank God that He helped us restore our marriage. Out of gratitude, love and obedience to Jesus Christ, we got intentional about sharing the struggles we go through as a couple, asking our friends hard questions, sharing what God taught us and being there to support them.