The Heart Behind Life Groups

Home groups are a great way to connect with others in your church family for worship, prayer, fellowship and Bible study alongside the sermon series. Our Home Groups meet weekly in Santa Barbara, Goleta, Santa Ynez and soon Buellton.

Meet the Teams!

Mark & Tiffany Philabosian 

Located in Santa Barbara (by SB Bowl) on Wednesdays at 7PM.

Our group is dedicated to learning more about God by reading a weekly passage (e.g., the verses in Pastor Rino's upcoming sermon) and collectively discussing it as a group. We are open to any believers of Christ in any walk of life. We are an extension of SOUTHCOAST and its mission, value and core beliefs.

John Paul & Leah Sodusta

Located on La Cumbre Road (Mountain Side of State St.) on Sundays from 1-3 PM.

Our group is a community of young families discipling one another to obey Jesus Christ by changing our lives to be consistent with the Bible so that we are equipped to fulfill the Great Commission. (Children welcome)

Wayne & Ester Smith

Located in Santa Ynez.

Our group at its core is all about prayer. We discuss Sunday's message and help each other lean into Holy Spirit to work through His power in each persons life!

Lupe & Eva Lopez

Location in Santa Barbara (San Roque).

More information coming soon.

Roberta Collier

Located in Santa Barbara on Mondays at 9:30AM, and in Goleta on Fridays at 9AM.

This women's home group will be based on using the Precept Bible study methodology, with additional time built in for prayer and mutual sharing and caring. In addition to Home Group sharing, this is an intensive Bible study group. The format will be interactive and discussion-oriented, and will not feature videos or lecture-style teaching. Members should have a high level of commitment to attend regularly, complete homework, and listen to and share their insights and questions with each other.

Gary Smythe


An ongoing Mens SOUTHCOAST Zoom Coffee Fellowship for Men seeking to connect with other believers to discuss a topical bible verse, scripture or subject in an open informal format. We have men from different churches and states along with SOUTHCOAST men. Come join us!

Jonathan & Carlene Evans

Located in Goleta (Patterson Ave)  on Wednesday nights at 6:30PM.

We have fun and get know each other while reading and having an inductive study of Pastor Rino's scripture the week before it is preached.  Our group consists of mainly 40's to 60's but we want all ages, kids included.  New Christians and people that have been following Jesus for decades are welcome.  Home Groups can be great when they represent the full spectrum of the Church.

Marlene Padilla

Located in Santa Barbara (West Side)

More information coming soon.

Mike Solodon & Brian Freel

Located in the SOUTHCOAST Church Barn on Mondays at 7PM (except 4th Mondays 6PM).

This is a very raw group for men in need of help coming off drugs, the streets, and or rough lifestyles. It is open to all men of every background. There is no judgement, just love.

Armando & Brenda Vargas 

Located in the SOUTHCOAST Family Room on Wednesday nights at 7PM.

El enfoque de nuestro grupo es el orar juntos en un solo espiritu y en un comun acuerdo orando por nuestra Iglesia, Familia, Pastores, Comunidad y necesidades personales. Estudiar las Escrituras juntos y con las notas de nuestro Pastor, permitir que la prescensia de el Espiritu Santo se mueva en nuestras vidas, cambiando nuestra manera de vivir de acuerdo a su voluntad, asi mismo compartir un tiempo de amistad como grupo, soportandonos unos a otros y animandonos a seguir adelante. Este grupo es solo en espanol.
No child care is provided.

The Velikov's

We are located near Turnpike Rd. We will meet Thursdays from 7 to 9 pm. This group will study  healing, deliverance and the gifts of the Holy Spirit (possibly reading books or watching video teachings). They will  pray together for needs, share what God is doing in our lives and encourage each other to live a life of love, faith and holiness.

Mat 21:13 - This house will be called a house of prayer
1 Cor 14:26 - When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.
Romans 1:12 - that we may be mutually encouraged and comforted by each other’s faith
Hebrews 10:24-25 - And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds. 25Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Home Group Questions

Click below to see the weekly Home Group questions.