Home Group Questions- October 13
Date: October 13, 2024
Key Scriptures: Psalm 47, Philippians 2:9-11
Facilitator Questions:
Themes: The city of refuge: Ramoth, the LORD most high, worship
Background information:
Key Scriptures: Psalm 47, Philippians 2:9-11
Facilitator Questions:
Themes: The city of refuge: Ramoth, the LORD most high, worship
Background information:
- Ramoth was located in Gilead, in the territory of Gad, east of the Jordan River. Not much is said in Scripture about it. During the time of the divided kingdom, the Syrians had captured the land. Kings Ahab of Israel and Jehoshaphat of Judah discussed going to war together to retake it. Approximately 400 false prophets who were asked about the idea approved, so the kings and their armies went, and Ahab was killed in the battle.
- The word “Ramoth” means “high things” or “heights”. A Hebrew dictionary says it refers to “sublime, difficult things”.
- Since every city of refuge points to some aspect of Jesus’ character, what does the name meaning “high things”, “heights” or sublime, difficult things” reveal about Him?
- Read Psalm 47. What does it say about the LORD most high? Discuss what that means. Higher than what? How much higher?
- Why is God being seated on His throne (verse 8) the epitome of high position? What is the significance of His being seated?
- Read Philippians 2:9-11. How does Jesus fulfill Psalm 47?
- How do Psalm 47 and Philippians 2 speak to you about exalting God in worship?
- How would you describe what happens in your heart and your mind when you worship God?
- Are there times when it is hard for you to worship God because things get in the way? What are those things? How do you deal with them?
- How are your experiences of worshiping God similar and different when you are alone vs. being together with other believers? What do you realize about this?
- Praise the LORD most high for who He is. Tell Him why He is higher than everything else.
- Praise Jesus for making the ultimate sacrifice of love and deserving to be exalted above all else.
- Ask for a purified heart to worship Him in ways that are acceptable to Him.
- Pray that many people around us will acknowledge His Lordship and repent from their sinful ways.
- Spend some time worshiping God every day without asking Him for anything.
- Ask God to reveal to you anything that interferes with your worship, and take action to deal with it.