Home Group Questions- October 6th
Date: October 6, 2024
Key Scriptures: Isaiah 42:1-9, Mark 13:10, Luke 24:45-47, Matthew 28:18-20
Facilitator Questions:
Theme: God’s heart for the nations (There will be a stand-alone message on Sunday which
doesn’t relate directly to this topic but is relevant to it.)
Start thinking: Ask a question to get your group thinking.
Key Scriptures: Isaiah 42:1-9, Mark 13:10, Luke 24:45-47, Matthew 28:18-20
Facilitator Questions:
Theme: God’s heart for the nations (There will be a stand-alone message on Sunday which
doesn’t relate directly to this topic but is relevant to it.)
Start thinking: Ask a question to get your group thinking.
- Isaiah 42:1-9 is a prophecy about the coming of Jesus. Read it verse by verse to answer the question: what will the Messiah do for the nations and the peoples?
- Read Mark 13:10 and Luke 24:45-47. Why must the gospel be preached to all nations?
- Read Matthew 28:19. What does Jesus command the disciples to do, and why?
- What big ideas occur to you after reading these verses?
- What questions do you have?
- How aware are you of what churches and mission agencies are doing to preach the gospel and make disciples around the world today? Are you involved with any of them?
- How much or how little does it impact your life to know that people who don’t believe in Jesus are eternally condemned? Explain your answer.
- What are you doing, or what can you start doing, to bring people to Jesus?
- How open are you to being a Godly witness to people who have different cultural, ethnic, racial or religious backgrounds from yours?
- Thank God for loving the world so much that He sent His son Jesus to be the Savior. (John 3:16) Tell Him what that means to you.
- Praise God for his amazing plan and His ability to fulfill it. Tell Him how great He is.
- Pray that God would send laborers into the field, because the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. (Matthew 9:38)
- Use a Bible app to do a word study on “the nations”. Pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you and correct you in any way you need.
- The classic call to mission work is “pray, send or go”. Pray that God will show you what He would have you do, and ask the Holy Spirit to empower and embolden you to obey.