Home Group Questions- September 15
Date: September 15, 2024
Key Scriptures: Joshua 20, Numbers 35, Psalm 91
Facilitator Questions:
Theme: Hebron, God is our refuge and fortress
Start thinking: Ask a question to get your group thinking.
Key Scriptures: Joshua 20, Numbers 35, Psalm 91
Facilitator Questions:
Theme: Hebron, God is our refuge and fortress
Start thinking: Ask a question to get your group thinking.
- Hebron has a long history. Abraham lived there (Genesis 13:18), and Sarah was buried there (Genesis 23:19). Joshua gave it to Caleb for his inheritance (Joshua 14:13-14). It was allocated to the descendants of Aaron, the high priest, as a city of refuge within the territory of Judah (Joshua 21:13). David was anointed there as the king over Judah (1 Chronicles 11:3) and reigned there for 7 ½ years (2 Samuel 2:11). How would this history of Hebron be significant to the children of Israel as a place of refuge?
- Read Psalm 91. What are the promises for those who make God their refuge and fortress? How does the promises relate to the literal cities of refuge?
- What are the similarities between the cities of refuge and the Christians’ refuge in Jesus?
- What are the differences?
- Reread Psalm 91:9. What does it mean to you to make the LORD your dwelling place and your refuge? How realistic is this affirmation in your life?
- Describe some of the ways you find refuge in God.
- Are any of the promises of Psalm 91 hard for you to accept or believe? Why or why not?
- What do you or can you do to strengthen yourself in the Lord when you need refuge?
- Praise and thank God for His sovereign ability to be the only true, eternal refuge and fortress. Tell Him what that means to you.
- Ask God to remove all fear, doubt and unbelief in your life, so you will live in the position of strength and confidence in Him.
- Ask God to equip the Church to become the place where lost and hurting people find refuge in Jesus.
- Ask God to give you the grace to fulfill His will in loving others enough to bring them to your rock, Jesus.
- Read Psalm 91 several times, and meditate prayerfully on it. Choose one or more verses to memorize.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to bring someone to mind who needs Jesus and to make the way for you to share your faith with them. Be ready to tell them what it means to find refuge in Him.