Home Group Questions- August 11

Date: August 11, 2024
Key Scriptures: Hebrews 12:28-29 and 13:1-6

Facilitator Questions:
Theme:  Kingdom living
Start thinking:  Ask a question to get your group thinking.
  • Review Hebrews 12:28-29 to set the context for this week’s passage. What do these verses teach us?
  • Francis Schaeffer, a well known theologian in the 20th century, famously asked, “How shall we then live?” According to Hebrews 12:28-29, what should be the guideposts of our lives? What is our responsibility before God?
  • Based on Hebrews 13:1-6, what does living in the heavenly kingdom look like and sound like?
  • How do these descriptors show “gratitude and acceptable service with reverence and awe”? How do they set believers apart from nonbelievers?
Start sharing:  Choose a question to create openness.
  • How do these instructions speak to you personally?
  • What do you do to practice brotherly love and hospitality to strangers? What else can you do?
  • What in your life shows that you care for people who are in prison or who live under oppression? How can you take action to stand with them?
  • Verse 4 says, “Marriage is to be held in honor among all….” Whether or not you are married, how do you or can you uphold the sanctity of marriage? How can you lovingly speak truth about marriage and sexuality to the current worldly culture?
  • How would you rate yourself on being free from the love of money and being content with what you have? How do verses 5b-6 help you get your priorities straight?
Start praying: Be bold and pray with power.
  • Thank God for the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment, guidance and power to enable the Church to live Godly.
  • Thank God that the Word corrects and rebukes us, so we can grow in Godly discipline, live righteously and glorify Him.
  • Repent and ask for forgiveness for any ways you have offended God in the areas that Hebrews 13:1-6 describes.
  • Confess your need for more of God, and ask Him to work in your life to bring about His will in these areas.
Start doing:  Commit to a step and live it out this week.
  • Choose one of these verses that challenges you, and memorize it.
  • Daily repeat the verse, pray for Holy Spirit help to practice it and watch for opportunities.