Home Group Questions- August 4

Date: August 4, 2024
Key Scriptures: Hebrews 12:18-29

Facilitator Questions:
 Earthly Mount Sinai vs. heavenly Mount Zion, old covenant vs. new covenant

Start thinking:  Ask a question to get your group thinking.
  • Verses 18-21 describe the manifestation of God’s power on Mount Sinai. What did the people experience? What must have been their reaction?
  • Verses 22-24 describe what happens when believers come to the heavenly Mount Zion. What do they find there?
  • These mountains symbolize the old and new covenants. How are they represented here? How is one earthly and the other heavenly?
  • The major theme of Hebrews is that Jesus is superior. What makes the new covenant of His blood (verse 24) better than the old one of the Law?
  • What are the warnings in Verses 25-29? How do they reinforce the warning in Hebrews 2:3?
Start sharing:  Choose a question to create openness.
  • What is your reaction to the demonstration of God’s power in the old covenant? What would it have been like for you to be there?
  • Do you think of God as a consuming fire and the One who will shake the earth and the heavens to bring about His heavenly kingdom, or do you take Him lightly?
  • What does this passage teach you about the proper fear of the Lord?
  • How much or how little is God’s ultimate plan a part of your thinking? How does His plan affect how you live?
  • What do you realize about the warnings in verse 25 to “see to it that you do not refuse Him who is speaking” and that there is no escaping Him? How does this impact you?
Start praying:  Be bold and pray with power.
  • Praise God for His awesome power and majesty and mercy. Tell Him what He means to you.
  • Thank God for giving you your life in the time and place He has chosen for you. Pray that He will fulfill His plan for you by His grace working in you.
  • Repent of any presumption or ignorance of His call on your life. Offer Him your whole heart. Tell Him you will not refuse Him.
  • Pray that you and others in the Church will be holy, set apart for God’s purposes, and will be effective witnesses to a lost world.
Start doing: Commit to a step and live it out this week.
  • Remind yourself every day when you wake up that Jesus is coming back and pray to make today count for His kingdom.
  • Watch for the Holy Spirit to guide you into actions that answer your prayer, and follow through on the direction you receive.