Home Group Questions- July 7
Date: July 7, 2024
Key Scriptures: Hebrews 11:30-38 and 11:1, Romans 1:16-17
Facilitator Questions:
Themes: Living in faith and living out conviction
Start thinking: Ask a question to get your group thinking.
Key Scriptures: Hebrews 11:30-38 and 11:1, Romans 1:16-17
Facilitator Questions:
Themes: Living in faith and living out conviction
Start thinking: Ask a question to get your group thinking.
- Read verses 30-38. How did the faithful believers demonstrate their faith? What is remarkable about their actions?
- How do these acts of faith bring glory to God? What do they prove about Him? What would have been the impacts on the people around them?
- Read Hebrews 11:1 and discuss conviction. What is it? How does it give believers courage and strength to do great things? How do you get it?
- Read Romans 1:16-17. What was Paul’s conviction? How did it enable him to preach and live out the gospel unashamedly?
- What are some examples of people living out their convictions today?
- Do you have any convictions? Is there anything you are absolutely, rock solidly convinced of, so nobody can convince you otherwise?
- It is often said that actions speak louder than words, and that having integrity means being the same on the inside and the outside. How does your behavior prove your conviction, if you have it? If it doesn’t, are you being hypocritical?
- Have you avoided telling people about Jesus and His work in your life? Are there any other ways your actions reveal that you are ashamed of the gospel of Christ?
- How openly do you declare and live out your faith in Jesus? What is it that prevents you from taking your stand boldly in Him?
- It is often said that if we really believed God’s Word, we would live differently. What Biblical truths do you avoid thinking deeply about or are hard for you to accept?
- Praise God for being worthy of our worship. Tell Him why He is so great and so good.
- Thank Jesus for being the author and finisher of our faith. Ask Him to strengthen yours and enable you to stand boldly for Him.
- Confess and repent of any ways you have been ashamed of Jesus, and ask for His forgiveness and His grace to change you.
- Confess and repent of any areas of unbelief, fear or other sin which He has been working out in your heart.
- Thank God for the faithful witness of Godly people, and pray for the Body of Christ to work together so every member will be built up in the faith.
- Glorify the name of Jesus every day in your heart, in your family and among the people around you.
- Memorize Romans 1:16-17.