Home Group Questions- May 5th
Date: May 5, 2024
Key Scriptures: Hebrews 9:1-14
Facilitator Questions:
Themes: The old and new covenants, why Jesus is better, grace
Start thinking: Ask a question to get your group thinking
Key Scriptures: Hebrews 9:1-14
Facilitator Questions:
Themes: The old and new covenants, why Jesus is better, grace
Start thinking: Ask a question to get your group thinking
- What do we know in general about the first covenant, which is the Law of the OldTestament, and why God instituted it?
- How did God ordain worship to be performed according to the Law? Who did what, when and where?
- Read verses 8-10. What do these verses tell us about the old covenant being inferior to the New Covenant?
- Read verses 11-14. In what ways did Jesus make the new covenant superior to the old one?
- Verse 14 says the blood of Christ. . . will purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. How does that happen? What does the blood of Christ mean to you? What questions do you have about the blood?
- The old covenant dealt primarily with people’s outward behavior, and the new covenant brings internal motivation and empowerment through our conscience. Can you give examples of ways the Holy Spirit has brought your conscience to life since you believed on Jesus?
- Grace makes the difference between dead works and true service to the living God. What does it mean to abide in grace instead of trying to please God by human effort? How do you do it? Read Galatians 2:19-21 and discuss how it applies to you.
- Pour out your heart in worship to God for His love, goodness and mercy in choosing you to have fellowship with Him.
- Thank Jesus for taking the sin of the whole world on Himself and for removing your guilt because you have received Him as your Savior and Lord.
- Confess and repent of any ways you have fallen short of God’s call on your life. Pray for faith to believe and trust Him with all your heart.
- Pray that you and other believers will walk in grace, so you can be sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading for the glory of God.
- Read Exodus chapters 25-28 and pray to learn about how God ordained worship in the old covenant.
- Thank God every day that you live in the new covenant and pray to abide more fully in