Home Group Questions- August 25
Date: August 25, 2024
Key Scriptures: Hebrews 13:15-21
Facilitator Questions:
Theme: More on Kingdom living
Start thinking: Ask a question to get your group thinking.
Key Scriptures: Hebrews 13:15-21
Facilitator Questions:
Theme: More on Kingdom living
Start thinking: Ask a question to get your group thinking.
- Verses 15-19 add to the list of practical ways that Christians serve God, in light of what He has done for us. What are these ways? How did Jesus model them when He came in the flesh?
- What does verse 15 mean when it says to “continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name”? Who do you know who does this especially well? What does it sound like in daily living?
- Verse 17 teach us to obey and submit to leaders in the Church, because they are responsible for us and must give an account for our souls to God. It will be unprofitable for us is they do so with groaning instead of joy. What are the implications of this?
- What does the author hope for the believers, according to verses 20-21? How does “the blood of the eternal covenant” equip the Church to do God’s will through Jesus Christ, for His glory?
- How do our sacrifices for Jesus pale in comparison with His sacrifices for us? Why does He deserve our full worship?
- When has there been a time in your life that praising and acknowledging God has required real sacrifice? How did the act of praising Him change your outlook and approach to the situation? What did He accomplish through your faithful obedience?
- Verse 16 says, “do not neglect doing good and sharing”. What are some ways you have experienced this, either on the giving or the receiving end? How has it been a blessing?
- What challenges you about the concept of obeying and submitting to the authority of church leaders? How do you deal with these challenges?
- Verse 18 asks the Christians to pray for church leaders, who need to “have a good conscience and conduct [themselves] well in all things.” What is your regular prayer routine? How do you or can you specifically incorporate prayers like this into it?
- Thank God for giving us His Word and Holy Spirit to teach and guide us.
- Thank Jesus for making the eternal covenant with us by His own blood. Tell Him what that means to you.
- Give God your worship, and tell Him you refuse to worship anything and anyone else.
- Pray for Him to equip you to do His will in your life.
- Pray for Him to be glorified in our pastors and leaders, and that they will fully accomplish His will for them with joy.
- Prayerfully meditate on the practical ways to live godly and decide how to act on them. Find a specific way to praise God, do good, share with another person and follow your pastor’s guidance.
- Create a system to pray regularly for Pastors Rino, Shaun, Micaela, Bob and Doug and for all who lead ministries at Southcoast Church, that they will be holy and lead well. Thank God for them.